

Helen G. Douglas was born on November 25, 1900. She grew up in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY. She was accepted to Columbia University, but left her studies to work as a professional actor. In the 1920’s, she became a Broadway star and traveled around Europe as an opera singer. In 1931, she married fellow actor, Melvyn Douglas. Helen moved to Los Angeles in 1935 to star in her first film. By the late 1930’s, she became politically active. She joined the Democratic Party in 1933 and quickly became close friends with Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. She chaired a variety of committees for the DNC throughout the 1940’s. In 1944, she became the first female from California elected to Congress. At this time, Helen allegedly began an affair with Lyndon B. Johnson. It would continue through his Presidency. In 1950, she ran for the Senate against Richard Nixon. She was defeated due to the many personal attacks he made on her. In 1952, Helen returned to acting. She passed away on June 28, 1980.